
Welcome to Sugartess…my sweet space! If you’re here it’s very probable that you, as I, love baking and the art of sugar… or at least you’re in the process of discovering it! Enjoy your time here… and may you find the cookie cutters and products you need, lots of ideas to like, and much, much to learn! Stop by as many times as you wish, subscribe to my newsletters, follow me in your favorite social media platforms and/or contact me here. To you… Happy shopping and “sugar art-ing”!
My love for baking started when I was a child, yet it wasn’t until 2008 that I started taking baking & decorating classes. It’s been quite the journey so far! Sugar art is one of my passions in life. It’s also my therapist and my happy pill! Yes, baking makes me happy! Decorating what I bake (or cake dummies too) makes me feel ecstatic! I love how through it I challenge myself and express my creative talent. I love how sugar art brings emotions and a smile to my face… and to others too. I love the smell of my working area: home-made cookies, cake, fondant, vanilla, chocolate… mmmm… it’s the best smell in the whole world (well, ranking very close to baby scent and to puppy breath)!!!! 🙂
Designing and 3D printing cookie cutters for my personal projects brought me here... to open my own shop! Sugartess.com is where I can share and sell my favorite cookie cutter collections and decorating supplies. My blog will feature some of these designs, tutorials and sugarart projects.
My experiments with Sugar Art
This site is about baking and sugarart. It features my cookie cutters designs as well as my experiments and experiences with this amazing craft. The blog, Sugartess, is a recount, a project record or album… a diary, if you wish, where I can store, showcase and share my ideas, projects, tips, recipes, and creative approaches to a theme, among other. I welcome you to this part of my life in the hopes that you can learn or take something good and special from it. Please do share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section. Always share your thoughts in the spirit of adding value and of being constructive. If you do, then you’re my kind of people… we belong in the same pack!
The world of sugar art is vast and diverse… we are so privileged as a group to have so many talented, admirable and open-handed artists that you can follow and learn from. I follow a ton of them and almost every day find more who really impress me! Should you decide to witness and join me in my voyage… I’ll be more than honored. I am a sugar art hobbyist, which means that I only do it for pleasure and pure enjoyment… as a past time!
No custom cookie orders… at least presently!
The only orders I presently take are from my dear nieces and nephews, ranging from 3 to 13 years of age! We have this agreement, you see, where they tell me what their birthdays’ themes are… and I, as their fairy-baker-auntie, begin the creative work of delivering the “goods”. During the process, there may be some inquiries from both parts like the details suggested or wanted, the status of the project, and other, of course! Believe it or not, the oldest of the girls in the gang, Rosalia (age 10), starts planning her birthday party 6-8 months in advance and calls me to discuss and place her order! She has all her birthdays planned until the age of 15!!!!
Unfortunately for me, my two sons are too “old” now for custom cake and cookie orders… A few years ago, they made it very clear that no birthday cakes were needed or desired (apparently, if you are a boy these days, it’s not a “cool” thing to have your mother bake and decorate a cake for your birthday). However, they do show some interest in the projects that I work on, especially the youngest. Don’t tell him, but I know from a very reliable source that he shares pictures of my work-in-progress with friends. ;)
My birthday cake is also something I enjoy creating every year. Just like my niece Rosalia, I too plan my birthday party in advance (so weird… the things that a child can inherit from an aunt!). Every year I decide on a theme that interests me. The funny thing is that the theme can be for the adult-me or for the inner-child-me… and I enjoy both the same! Recently, I had Snow White and Strawberry Shortcake themed birthdays. I truly believe that as adults we must keep our inner child alive… just to keep the balance in life. So, I nurture my inner child with different things… a subject for a future post. 🙂
My husband and I share the love for baking and really enjoy ourselves while at it. We feel that as a couple, baking and cooking brings us closer together. On weekends we bake breads, cinnamon rolls, biscuits and other goodies… not cakes or cookies, if you’re wondering! His role in the latter is being my assistant (he’s become an expert at rolling out fondant), helping with templates and calculations, and tasting the goodies, of course! He’s the only one who really knows my alter-baker self, Cakezilla... or Cookiezilla. You don’t want to meet her… but she does exist. And my husband knows to stay as far away from her as possible or ……! Yes… that will also be the subject of a future post! 😂
Once again… welcome to Sugartess!
Happy shopping... happy baking and cookie decorating!